Ireland’s first tree planting platform online.
We gift trees to people & companies throughout Ireland and
around the world.
As seen on RTE ONE Nationwide
We had a fantastic days filming and planting trees with Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh and the crew from RTE ONE Nationwide.
Why we plant trees?
By removing CO2 from the atmosphere and locking it up, trees help to combat climate change. Recent studies have found that trees may be the best way to stabilise our climate. goes here
Your trees will likely be planted by our volunteers, some of whom join us from mental health charities who aim to bring people together in nature to improve well being.
Trees hold water, prevent flooding, restore underground reservoirs and maintain water vapour in the air, increasing the chance of rainfall and reducing drought and desertification.
Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, trees do the reverse – cleaning the air that we breathe. Trees also absorb pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and ozone.
Natural regeneration of trees is only possible where a viable seed source remains. Planting in areas without a seed source means the forest will be able to succeed itself once established.
Our vision is of revitalised and planting wild forests in Ireland, providing space for wildlife to flourish and communities to thrive.

Grown Forest started life as an idea back in 2012 when the founders of Grown Clothing decided to offset their clothing range by planting a Native Irish tree in Irish soil for every garment they created, regardless of whether the garment was sold or not.
Over time Damian and Neil began to challenge & disrupt the way industry effects climate and the environment. Grown became a challenger brand and influenced wide-scale change in the business as usual approach to clothing and waste.
Passionate to develop impact and drive change Grown Forest arrived as the means needed to help and empower people to tackle climate change and emissions. Creating a legacy of trees that will out live many generations.